Change la taille du texte.
Remplace par des accords plus faciles à jouer.
Affiche les acccords français (Do, Ré, Mi…).
Seul le bas du texte défile, vous laissant ainsi les accords de départ visibles.
Certaines partitions n’affichent les accords qu’au début. Cet outil tente de les recopier dans l’ensemble du texte.
Marque le tempo à la vitesse que vous souhaitez.
Jimi Hendrix - Astro Man
Probably tune down 1/2 step not that it really matters that much
It starts out with this riff actually played on a bass but I play it on guitar anyway
The riff is played under these lyrics
Here I come to save the day
There was a little boy in a dream just the other day
His mind fell out of his face and the wind blew it away
Then a hand came down from heaven and slapped a badge on his chest
It said "Get out there man and do your best!"
Then it's a couple of verses shown here with the chords
And they called him Astro Man
And he's flying higher than
That old faggot Superman
Forever cool
They called him Cosmic Nut
And he's twice as famous as Donald Duck
And he's out to screw you up
The rest of your life
(supprime les barrés)