Accords et paroles Comedians And Angels Tom Paxton

Comedians And Angels

Tom Paxton

Tous les outils
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Worked out on request for vicbrown51 (with the fat fingers)
Release Date: 2007
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[Verse 1]
I miss my friends tonight their faces shine for me
the clamor of their singing's like some mad calliope.
Still ringing through the Lion's Head until the morning light
comedians and angels I miss my friends tonight.
[Verse 2]
With Jameson's or Bushmills or Trotsky on the rocks;
the Fenian at the barricade the batter in the box.
A song for every season a smile in every fight
comedians and angels I miss my friends tonight.
[Verse 3]
When Dave was in his glory and singing Brecht and Weill
The Clancys hauled a chantey out and gave us Paddy Doyle.
The Mets were either best or worst and Marx was wrong or right
comedians and angels I miss my friends tonight.   
[Verse 4]
I wonder where they are now   they could be anywhere;
in Hell or California or back in Sheridan Square.
They left us where they left us so we put out the light
comedians and angels I miss my friends tonight.   
[Verse 5]
Each one drained a parting glass then and   sailed off to sea
and what a crew of rogues they made in gleeful anarchy.
They sang to the horizon a song no pen could write
comedians and angels I miss my friends tonight.
They sang to the horizon a song no pen could write
comedians and angels I miss my friends tonight.

Comedians And Angels

Tom Paxton