Accords et paroles Shotgun Wedding Rod Stewart

Shotgun Wedding

Rod Stewart

Tous les outils
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Remplace par des accords plus faciles à jouer.
Affiche les acccords français (Do, Ré, Mi…).
Seul le bas du texte défile, vous laissant ainsi les accords de départ visibles.
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Marque le tempo à la vitesse que vous souhaitez.
                      Shotgun Wedding - Rod Stewart
Written by: Roy C. Hammond
From: “Rod Stewart - Lead Vocalist” (1993)
Tabbed by: maguri
Tuning: Standard
[Intro 1]
Wedding March (first in minor key finally resolved to major)
[Intro 2]
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[Verse 1]
People were standing all around
At a shot gun wedding here in this town
And I'm a victim oh yea of a shotgun wedding
Cause your fathers got a gun
And there ain't no place to run
Shotgun wedding and oh listen to me
[Verse 2]
Well I got to find a job
You me baby makes three
Shotgun shotgun shotgun wedding oh yea
Cause your fathers got a gun
And there ain't no place to run
Shotgun wedding and all I could hear that day was
[Verse 3]
“Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?”
My my my my shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun wedding
I looked around I looked around
And all I could see was a shotgun wedding ... listen
[Verse 4]
But I tried to run from town but her mother tracked me down
She said “Before I meet my maker
Some man’s gonna make an honest woman of my daughter. So it might as well be you
Oh daddy may be poor but he owns a forty-four”
Shotgun wedding
And oh I'm walking up the aisle right now
[Verse 5]
               Here comes the bride singing
Shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun.....yea yeaaaa  
I could have run away oh no I could be living high
Nobody could stop me now oh shotgun shotgun
Just give me one more chance
Let me hear that bass boys that bass boys
Breaking my heart breaking my heart breaking my heart...
(fade out over outro)

Shotgun Wedding

Rod Stewart

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