Accords et paroles Lonely People Demi Lovato

Lonely People

Demi Lovato

Suggestion: +1

(supprime les barrés)

Tous les outils
Change la taille du texte.
Remplace par des accords plus faciles à jouer.
Affiche les acccords français (Do, Ré, Mi…).
Seul le bas du texte défile, vous laissant ainsi les accords de départ visibles.
Certaines partitions n’affichent les accords qu’au début. Cet outil tente de les recopier dans l’ensemble du texte.
Marque le tempo à la vitesse que vous souhaitez.
Verse 1:
   I'm an island I'm alone but I'm alive
   Candy apple I went home without a prize
   They're all laughing keep on laughing so am I
   I'm an island I'm alone but I'm alive
   Crying doesn't make you charming
Only thing I'm not is sorry
   Dancing at a pity party at a pity party
Guess we're all lonely people
Guess we're all    lonely people
Romeo    has no sequel
Guess we're all    lonely people
Verse 2:
   All that love is is a means to an end
   I'm always finding broken hearts instead
   All that love is is a means to an end
   Romeo and Juliet are dead
   Crying doesn't make you charming
Only thing I'm not is sorry
   Dancing at a pity party at a pity party
Guess we're all lonely people
Guess we're all    lonely people
Romeo    has no sequel
Guess we're all    lonely people
Guess we're all lonely people
Guess we're all    lonely people
Romeo    has no sequel
Guess we're all    lonely people
   All that love is is a means to an end
   I'm always finding broken hearts instead
   All that love is is a means to an end
   I'm always finding broken hearts instead
   It's really scary
Truth is we all die alone
   So you better love yourself before you go

Lonely People

Demi Lovato