Accords et paroles This Times Everything Amy Macdonald

This Times Everything

Amy Macdonald

Tous les outils
Change la taille du texte.
Remplace par des accords plus faciles à jouer.
Affiche les acccords français (Do, Ré, Mi…).
Seul le bas du texte défile, vous laissant ainsi les accords de départ visibles.
Certaines partitions n’affichent les accords qu’au début. Cet outil tente de les recopier dans l’ensemble du texte.
Marque le tempo à la vitesse que vous souhaitez.
This Time's Everything
Amy Macdonald
| //// | : complete mesure
/        :  quart mesure
-        : half quart mesure
Gsus2 : 300203
Cmaj7 : x32030
D#6   : xx1313
 Batterie | // Gsus2 - - Gsus2 - - | // - - -   - |
          | // Gsus2 - - Gsus2 - - | // - - -   - |
[Verse 1]
Well I'm way in  over my head but I'm tryn' make the most of it---
Never on time  never in line nothing seems to fit--
But still  I got this far  I used my head  I used my heart--
I don't know where to turn  but I'll get there if I run.
Hey here I go again trying make the most of everything-.
Hey here I go again this time's different this time's everything.--
Oh Oh Ooh!  This time's everything  hey!   Oh Oh Ooh! --
[Verse 2]
Take it one step  at a time slowly make the most of it--.
It's all new and it's so crazy  feeling life go through these changes
But still  I got this far  I used my head  I used my heart--
I don't know where to turn  but I'll get there if I run.
Hey  here  I go again trying make the most of everything-.
Hey- here  I go again  this time's different this time's everything.
Here  I go again  trying make the most of everything-.
Hey  here  I go again  this time's different this time's everything.--
Oh Oh Ooh!  This time's everythin-ing!   Oh Oh Ooh! --
Jump right in  enjoy the show ther's nowhere you have to be.-
Don't worry dear the words will come they always come for meeeeeeeeee--.
Hey  here  I go again  trying make the most of everything-.
Hey  here  I go again  this time's different this time's everything.
Hey! Here  I go again  trying make the most of everything-.
Hey here  I go again  this time's different this time's everything.--
Oh Oh Ooh! This time's everyhin-ing!  Hey! Oh Oh Ooh!
This time's everything.--

This Times Everything

Amy Macdonald